By Stuart Clifford
December 10, 2018
Summer in New Zealand usually begins on the 20th December and runs through to about the 20th March This post mainly deals with cutting lawns in Hamilton in the Waikato and what I have learned mowing Hamilton lawns since 1999. This may be different then what you experience in the area where you live. I did actually mow lawns for over a decade in the Hibiscus Coast, and that was completely different from my experiences in Hamilton. A lot of people are surprised when they shift here how fast the grass grows. In the Spring and summer, it is prolific. I remember the first summer I spent here after mowing lawns in Whangaparaoa I honestly thought there was something wrong. The grass wouldn't stop growing, and I was little removing twice the grass I was on the Coast. What you need to keep in mind is we are in the Waikato, and the area is full of productive farms for a reason. It is because the grass grows. How often do I mow my lawn in the summer? The answer depends on you. A two weekly mow if fine if you are catching the grass. Some of our customers want a weekly cut at this time of year such as the lawn in the picture above, and we mow our own lawns weekly, but this doesn't mean you need to. If you were going to mulch mow a lawn at this time of year, I would recommend a weekly mow. If we have a bit of a dry spell, you could also cut the lawn a little less often. The main issue that Waikato lawns have at this time of year is all the daisies. These flowers seem to flower flat and then suddenly shoot up on a stalk the next day. This is not ideal for lawn mowing as sometimes it does not matter how low you go you can't seem to get the daisies. Then the next day they all shoot up. It's not the best, but there is not a lot that can be done about this. If you have just discovered Onehunga weed in your lawn as I did yesterday when I went outside with bare feet then, unfortunately, you are too late. The time to spray for that is late August to September. How high should I cut my lawn in the summer? You should be mowing your lawn a little higher at this time of year. Having your grass a little longer helps the lawn retain water and helps shade the grassroots. A higher mow will also discourage flat weeds. If your lawn is overgrown, then do not cut too low the first time around. If you take a thick lawn and cut it too short, you may end up with dead patches if the heat gets up and burns the freshly exposed grass. It is better to take it down over two cuts. There is a rule with threes that you should never take more than one third off at any one time. What a lot of people don't realise is that this can happen with grass as well. Should I water my lawn? You can water your lawn if you feel the need and there are no watering restrictions. If you are going to water your lawn, then water it as the sun is setting. This will allow the water to soak in overnight and your lawn will gain the maximum benefits from the water. Should I feed my lawn You can feed your lawn if it needs it or if you like lush grass. Do make sure that if you fertilise one week, you cut the next week. Leaving it two weeks after fertilising is not good for the lawn. You can pick up some Weed 'n' Feed from Bunnings or Mega 10, and this can be attached to a hose and sprayed on your lawn. This is a simple way of conditioning your lawn while treating weeds at the same time. If you are having problems with bald spots in your lawn sometimes doing a mulch mow instead of catching the grass can help reduce that size of the patches.